Sustainable, Cleaner, Greener Future with Solar Panel
By 2023 Dec we will move to 70% on Solar energy which is environmentally friendly technology, a great energy supply and one of the most significant renewable and green energy sources. It plays a substantial role in achieving sustainable development energy solutions. Therefore, the massive amount of solar energy attainable daily makes it a very attractive resource for generating electricity
- LPG provides flame with high mechanical and thermal energy, quickly burning the thermoplastic protruding fibers without the formation of molten beads.
- LPG powered singeing machines offer flexibility with individual spindle drive, helping increase efficiency
- LPG powered singeing machines carry and offer excellent safety measures. The burners, control systems and auxiliary equipment are constantly monitored, and the equipment automatically turns off in the event of any malfunction.
Drying process:The air required for drying can be heated directly (from fuels, electric resistances, and quenching processes) and indirectly via heat exchangers.
Direct air heating using contaminating fuels such as oil and diesel make the air susceptible to contamination. Using LPG meets cleanliness requirements for numerous processes
- We shifted to 3 Ply carton instead of 5 ply with less material and with same strength , bursting strength of 3 ply carton is same as 5 ply carton.
- We sale our waste material to recycle market to make it re-usuable into new products , Recycling can benefit our community and the environment
Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC)

- Facility having Direct Discharge (Having Their own ETP in factory premise)
- Daily water usage 20 KLP per day (kilogram per Liter)
- Daily Re-usage water 12 KLP per day (60%)